Pay-Per Click (PPC) Marketing

Pay-Per Click (PPC) Marketing
PPC marketing effective across ALL markets, business and industries.
Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, also called Search Engine Marketing, consists of the ads that are shown on the search results pages on Google and other search engines, as well as the “sponsored” ads shown on other websites. Advertisers typically pay only when an ad is clicked (and the user is taken to the advertiser’s web page), not when the ad is displayed.
PPC ads are targeted towards search terms used by prospective clients, such as “car accident lawyer” or “medical malpractice attorney.” Once a campaign is created, a firm’s ads are then shown in response to the search queries entered. Ads can be created for different searches, so that one ad for a firm will be displayed for “car accident lawyer” and another ad for the same firm will be displayed for “medical malpractice attorney.”
Our PPC specialists have been creating and managing PPC campaigns for nearly ten years, and have managed PPC spend involving tens of thousands of dollars.
Benefits of PPC Marketing:
Is PPC Marketing Effective? PPC program effectiveness can be measure by determining the average client value and comparing it to the average cost per client.
Suppose that an average click costs $10, and that one out of every 25 clicks results in a new client. The average Cost Per Client (CPC) of the PPC program then is $250 ($10 x 25).
If the average value of the new client is $5,000, a CPC of $250 may be very reasonable. If the click costs or the average number of clicks to get a new client were higher, or the value of a new client was much lower, than PPC may not be the best option.
We have seen cases in which PPC can be one of the least expensive marketing programs available, as well as cases in which PPC was not economically justifiable. When we learn more about your goals, we can better advise as to whether PPC be beneficial for you.
Our PPC Program
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