Building your digital footprint
A business website encompasses a broad range of services that help businesses establish a strong online presence, attract and engage customers, and drive revenue. Whether it’s building a website from scratch, optimizing for SEO, or driving traffic through digital marketing, these services are essential for …
How to Tell if Your Homepage is Terrible
A great website is one that people visit, recommend, and share. Google uses factors such as bounce rate, the amount of direct traffic, number of likes and shares on social media, and the amount of time visitors stay on your homepage to determine whether it …
Your business website is the center of your marketing universe
Plenty of good reasons to start the website redesign process The conversation about redesigning a company website usually begins when someone points out that traffic is down, conversions are weak, or just that the design looks outdated. You aren’t attracting customers, prospects, students, donors, or …
Website success can be measured in various ways
What kind of website are you planning to create? Do you already have a specific purpose or goal in mind, like an eCommerce website, portfolio, blog, or something else? Creating a website plan is a crucial step in developing a successful site. It helps establish …