How-To Supercharge Your UI Design Using Minimalism
It is important to understand that minimalism requires time and effort to get right. You have to focus your efforts to be able to say more with less in an appealing way. …
Reasons Your Website Can Have a High Bounce Rate
A website bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors that leave your website (or “bounce” back to the search results or referring website) after viewing only one page on your site. …
How-To Point Out Key Features In Your Mobile App
Apps never refuse new features, but users often refuse to use them. You’ve spent a small fortune designing and developing a really great new feature. …
Mobile App Design Inspiration
With so many mobile (Android or iPhone) apps being released in such a short period of time, designers need to really create apps that stand out. Visual inspiration is very important part of this. It is also a way that you could leave your own …