Successful and effective website requires 90% marketing and 10% web design
No business builds a website just to build a website. It’s expensive so it better provide a lot of value. That’s why I say an effective website requires only 10% web design but 90% marketing. …
Web design usability mistakes
User experience in web design is now one of the most important aspects of effective design, and for good reason. Consumers today expect a great-looking website, but if it’s difficult to use, they’ll look elsewhere. Remember that usability is ultimately more important than looks. …
How to Tell if Your Homepage is Terrible
A great website is one that people visit, recommend, and share. Google uses factors such as bounce rate, the amount of direct traffic, number of likes and shares on social media, and the amount of time visitors stay on your homepage to determine whether it …
Mobile UX design – Tips to improve user experience
Now more than ever, user experience (UX) is at the forefront of mobile design. Let’s review eight ways you can use this form of design to better serve your audience on smaller screens. …
Human-Oriented UX Design in the Modern Digital Space
Human-oriented ux design is not a trend, but an urgent necessity of the modern world. Regardless of a field or industry, products are required to be human-centric. …