Critical Steps to Complete Before Website Launch
Your website redesign/migration project was a lot of work, but you’re finally ready to go live. Not so fast! Before you launch your new site, there are a few things you need to consider. …
Signs your SEO strategy isn’t working
Warning: your current SEO strategy may be failing. That’s true even if you’re handling SEO yourself or your outsourcing it to an agency. Sometimes, business owners think that as long as they have an SEO strategy, then everything is fine. Customers will visit the site, …
3 SEO strategies to grow your websites organic traffic
Embarking on any SEO effort without including all three of these buckets is a little like trying to swim with one arm tied behind your back. You can still move but you won’t see the results you want. …
How to Tell if Your Homepage is Terrible
A great website is one that people visit, recommend, and share. Google uses factors such as bounce rate, the amount of direct traffic, number of likes and shares on social media, and the amount of time visitors stay on your homepage to determine whether it …
Website Content Strategy
Having content that is relevant, engaging and compelling is key to keeping visitors on your website starts with a strategy. It’s always been about getting qualified visitors to your website is like the holy grail of online marketing. And once they are there you want …