Setting business goals for a website redesign
If you’ve successfully made the case for a website redesign, now there are a million things you could do to get it up to date. So where do you start? How do you act based on what is most important to your business or institution? …
Why Do All Small Businesses Need a Website?
With over 40,000 searches on Google every second, which converts to 3.5 billion searches every day, your small business absolutely must have a website presence. …
Know your Limits When Buying a Website
From a buying process point of view, be very clear about your integration desires from the get go. Don’t be vague about what tools your are integrating, and be clear about what parts of those tools you want to see integrated. …
Top 10 questions to ask before hiring a website company
Choosing a website company is a critical decision. You’re not just putting a project in their hands, your trusting your business to them. This questionnaire will help you assess the website design companies that you are considering. From understanding the pricing structure to evaluating the …
Switch Web Hosting Provider
Step 1 To transfer your website to a new host is to join your new hosting provider. Make sure to NOT cancel with your old hosting provider, and do not tell them you will be canceling. Keep this a secret from your old host, or …