AMTek Microwaves
AMTek Microwaves
All of the resources needed to support industrial microwave processing equipment & systems
Industrial Equipment
Project Overview
4AMTek is a manufacturing solutions company specializing in industrial microwave processing equipment and systems. All products and services are now listed on their website. The interior product web pages include engaging CTA as well as contact forms for a better user experience. Each product offers website visitors the ability to download the specification sheet and view several angles of the large microwave processing systems and equipment.
Interactive Distributor Map
Distributors now have a dedicated section of the website to highlight those specific locations. This has become a very popular feature not only publicly but internally as well. Since the website redesign 4AMTek has seen their bounce rates decrease across the website while increasing their sessions and site duration. We developed an interactive global map with color specific regions and hovers displayed distributor information.
Increase website traffic and boost online presence
Smooth hover transitions between services creates a more engaging and strong user experience also known as UX. We install heatmaps, Google Analytics tractors and recommend adding Google Console to all of our clients. Understanding your users' (audience) journey, gives you insight to creating a strong website that's going to generate more customers than before.
Content Language Translator
With distributors around the world the ability to translate the website is critical. Using a dedicated API we integrated language translators that doesn’t slow down website performance or interfere with the user experience.
Problem Solving Mindset
Challenges are just opportunities in disguise
Organizing a lot of Content
With spec sheets, frequently asked questions, details, a photo gallery and videos makes creating an effective webpage challenging. With such a large task you can not create a template or one-size fits all. Each service showcased different areas but there was a consistency for branding.
Custom Website Design
The custom website design was based around customer centric performance. Interior webpages have informative structured content with downloadable spec sheets. The webpages funnel users to contact forms creating leads and conversions for AMTek. Over time the leads will increase and as a result so will the revenue. AMTek invested in their website and are reaping the full benefits.
AMTek Manufacturing invested in their website at ThePixel. We handcrafted a lead generating machine with a perfect user experience showcasing all food processing machines and equipment.