SEO Mistakes to Avoid
Keeping up to date with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) criteria is no simple task – especially if it’s not what you do for a living. Lots of businesses produce marketing materials in house, as just one task amongst many, and having arrived at a formula …
Common Website Mistakes
Your website often functions as the backbone of your business. So while it might see intimidating to think about redesigning or starting over, there are few things more important. …
10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website
There are 1.24 billion websites in the world. That’s a lot of competition, but keep in mind that you’re not trying to attract all internet users. …
Good Web Designer Can Grow Your Website
Think of your designer as a conversion consultant who can also implement the technical side of the project. …
How-To Point Out Key Features In Your Mobile App
Apps never refuse new features, but users often refuse to use them. You’ve spent a small fortune designing and developing a really great new feature. …