eCommerce and Shopping Cart Website
Implementing the proper security measures to protect your eCommerce website is key. However, configuring and managing firewalls, secure servers and encrypted files require the proper in-house expertise that many small businesses often lack. …
Building a Better Website
Website metrics matters! If there is no data, spend time collecting it. This will make for a better-organized website for users to convert to customers. …
Creating a Good Website Checklist
Your website is a reflection of your company and your brand. It should showcase both your product or service and your company as a whole. A website is one of the first places customers look at when they hear about your company. Customers rely on …
Why Your Website Needs Personalized Content
Personalizing web content is an effective way to help your business convert leads. Web content personalization can lead to a 30% increase in conversion rates. …
Why People Leave Your Website
Your online presence is a valuable tool for getting new customers and growing your business. You don’t want your website to turn leads away with a high bounce rate. …