Best Social Media Marketing Channels
Best Social Media Marketing Channels
Each social media channel caters to a different type of user.
We easily explained through donuts, the popular social media channels and how users communicate differently on each social platform.

We only suggest sharing content that is relevant and valuable to your audience.
Are you unsure of how to communicate on a particular social network? To explain, the content you are tweeting on Twitter should NOT be copy and pasted into Facebook. Can you use the same content subject matter? Yes, but make sure that the content you post reflects each social media channel’s style of communication.
Social media channels have grown over the years into a medium that combines technology and social interaction to give marketers a voice to connect with peers and potential consumers. Social media also personalizes your brand and spreads your message in a more conversational tone. Social media can be a difficult medium to conquer and you might not see the results right away.
In order to find success with your social media strategy, it’s important to have a clear understanding of how your audience communicate on each social media channel.

I’m eating a #donut
500 Million
Tweets per day
330 Billion
Monthly active users
Average Account
Used as a marketing tool

I like donuts
100 Billion
Daily content shares
500 Million
Daily story usage
2.7 Billion
Monthly active users
19.5 hrs
Monthly time spent

I’m watching donut videos
1 Billion
Daily video views
1.3 Billion
Regular Users
2.5 Billion
Monthly active users
171 Million

Here’s a photo of my donut
5 Million
Shared per hour
4.2 Billion
Likes per day
1 Billion
Monthly active users
95 Million
Photos uploaded daily

My skills include donut eating
650 Million
1 Billion
Published content
106 Million
Monthly active users
U.S. adults usage

Short video with my donut & apply filter
650 Million
1 Billion
Published content
293 Million
Daily active users
Under 34
Target audience

Discuss our love for donuts
2.2 Million
10 mins daily
User spend
430 Million
Monthly active users
1.4 Billion
Monthly videos

I dance & sing with my donut
32.2 Million
Mobile visits
2.6 Billion
Total app downloads
1.1 Billion
Monthly active users
141 Million
Active users in U.S.A.