Website Redesign Checklist
Download FREE website redesign checklist
Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to best approach your website redesign project? Our free website checklist includes everything you need to launch your own successful redesign. Download our free checklist and start your website redesign.
When was the last time you redesigned your website?
One of the purposes of a website is to inform the visitor about everything they need to know to make a decision. People go to websites for answers. If they can’t get them from you, they’ll look elsewhere––likely from your competitors.
Outdated websites are common. That’s just how it is. The main reason for this is that websites need to be updated roughly every 5 years, sometimes sooner. As website technology and design are evolving quickly, websites need regular redesigns and updates to keep them relevant and effective. If it’s been awhile since your website was designed, download our free website redesign checklist.
Download Website Redesign Checklist
Does it look outdated?
Does it rank well on search engines?
Are you getting conversions?
Is load speed slow?
Key metrics telling you it’s time for a website redesign
1. Low search traffic
If the amount of traffic your website is receiving from search sources (that means mostly Google) has dropped far below what you saw in previous years or is on a consistent decline, then your website may not be properly optimized for search.
2. High bounce rates
Your search traffic can be great, but if the people who make it to your website don’t stick around, it won’t matter much. Your bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who don’t bother staying on the website for long once they click through to it.
3. Low conversion rates
This is the goal that all of those other metrics are leading up to. If you get plenty of traffic, and even if that traffic stays on your website for a while after clicking through, if those visitors don’t convert you have a problem. Low conversion rates tell you that your website, as is, simply isn’t doing its main job.
When was the last time you evaluation your website?
Our website evaluation is based on the three essential components of website success:
- Design: Is your site cosmetics top-notch?
- Content: Is your content attracting potential leads?
- Navigation: Does your site do what it’s suppose to do?
By honestly and thoughtfully evaluating your current website, this evaluation checklist will generate ideas for improving your results, and provide insight into best practices.